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About Dr. Lehmiller

Meet The Sex Dr.

Dr. Justin Lehmiller received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Purdue University. He is a Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute and author of the book Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life. Dr. Lehmiller is an award-winning educator, having been honored three times with the Certificate of Teaching Excellence from Harvard University, where he taught for several years.

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Revolutionizing Sexual Consent Education: How ChatGPT Could be Changing the Game

July 3, 2024 by Merissa Prine

In today’s digital age, education is rapidly evolving to incorporate innovative technologies that enhance learning. One such technological advancement is the development of sophisticated artificial intelligence language models, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a highly versatile, and convenient tool, with some claiming that it may have PhD-level intelligence in the coming years. In a previous...

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Revolutionizing Sexual Consent Education: How ChatGPT Could be Changing the Game
Navigating Sex With Paraplegia – Answering Listener Questions
Navigating Sex With Paraplegia – Answering Listener Questions

June 27, 2024 by Emily Mendelson

Today, we’re going to dive in and answer a question that a listener sent in about sex and paraplegia. They asked:  My husband is a paraplegic. He has no feeling...

Sex Q&A, Sex Tips
Happy Pride Month! LGBTQ+ Research Roundup
Happy Pride Month! LGBTQ+ Research Roundup

June 19, 2024 by Emily Mendelson

Over 50 years ago, local activist groups in the northeast voted to hold “Christopher Street Liberation Day” demonstrations on the last Saturday in June in order to commemorate the events...

Berlin Bound: Study Abroad With Dr. Justin Lehmiller
Berlin Bound: Study Abroad With Dr. Justin Lehmiller

June 12, 2024 by Merissa Prine

Recently, I had the pleasure of traveling across the globe to learn and study with Dr. Lehmiller on his study abroad course with the Sexual Health Alliance. When I first...

Media & Culture, Psychology, Sex Ed
Ex-Incels and Their Journey Towards Deradicalization
Ex-Incels and Their Journey Towards Deradicalization

May 30, 2024 by Merissa Prine

In recent years, the term “incel” has become increasingly prevalent in discussions surrounding relationships, gender dynamics, and online communities. Short for “involuntary celibate,” the term refers to individuals, primarily men,...

Dating & Relationships, Psychology
Learning More About Asexuality: “Sounds Fake But Okay”
Learning More About Asexuality: “Sounds Fake But Okay”

May 22, 2024 by Emily Mendelson

In 2020, The Trevor Project conducted a national survey of over 40,000 LGBTQ youth, in which they found that 10% of respondents identified as asexual or on the ace spectrum....

Books & Films, LGBTQIA+
The 4 Legal Approaches To Sex Work
The 4 Legal Approaches To Sex Work

May 8, 2024 by Justin Lehmiller

I’m currently in the midst of teaching a study abroad course on sex and culture in Amsterdam. One of the topics we cover extensively in this course is sex work,...

Sex Ed
Tell Me What You Want

Tell Me What You Want

Discover what the largest survey of sexual fantasies in America tells us about the erotic mind – and how to have a healthier, hotter sex life.

Sex and Psychology Podcast

Sex and Psychology Podcast

Take a deep dive into the psychology of sex and relationships. This is the sex ed you never got in school – and won’t get anywhere else.

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